Friday, November 12, 2010
stop ya bitching
Anyway short and simple people
Have you ever noticed on Q/As or message boards people complaining about how wrestling is today, saying that the old eras were better and cooler and such?
Funny that I swear they were saying that during the Attitude era, and Brett Harts era, and Hulk Hogans...
I see a pattern here
Look, there is no real point about bitching about what has come and gone, and what is going on right now, sure criticism is welcomed, but if you are just going to continue to compare eras, then please stop. It's getting on people's nerve.
Just sit back, and enjoy what you can.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Its a Pee Wee Raw of an ep
Sunday, June 27, 2010
PETA message to vince
So for your reading pleasure here is the exact copy of the Fax sent to Vince
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
You do know that wrestling is fake, right?
you know i just because you ask a question doenst mean I'm going to post it, also i know wrestling is scrpited, much like most TV and movies. its just a form of entertainment I enjoy
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Daniel Bryan
Look to keep this simple, If you have not already read KICKOUT blog on this news, then go to his page and read it. I for one now belive what he has written to be the truth, and fans there is no denying that this isn't a work, people it's legit, so let's deal with it.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Daniel Byran, star in the making
If you havn't watched NXT yet, go on, and look at Bryan Danielisons farewell video.
During it, he cut one fantastic promo, in which he abused the WWE machine and said he was kept down because of his size.
Simply before this week, I had my doubts about Daniel Bryan, but after this, I'm convinced he has all the ability (minus look) to become a main event player.
the internet all say he will just hit that glass ceiling like so many before him, but I say they are wrong. I say right here right now, Daniel Bryan will be a world champ. The IWC have been wrong on so many occasions (aka Miz) and they will be wrong today. Daniel bryan showed why he deserves that push, and WWE have shown how they are the king of storytelling. They don't back down on thier writing and change it as they go, they keep it simple and keep it to one point. god only knows what would have happened if Daniel went to TNA.
thats a vent
delliott out
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Why Smackdown needs RAW
My my it's been awhile
Lately I couldn't help but notice an ongoing debate among the internet community. That debate of course being whether WWE should or should not end the brand extension and just have one show. The Argument for that is one that the belts will be more preisgtoius, and there will be greater time to build up a feud. The argument against though is that a lot of guys will be pushed down and eventually out of the spotlight, leaving only a select few to be able to gain that valuable screen time
So what is the right answer? While there is none, I give you a theory which could dictate it.
Smackdown this week was a fantastic wrestling show. There were 2 very good bouts in a championship tournament, a good match between Kane and Swagger, The divas match wasn't half bad, a (once again) excellent promo from punk and Rey after following a hard hitting MVP/Gallows match, and to top it off, a very heated start to the show featuring Drew, Matt and Teddy.
But I couldn't help but wonder. If Smackdown was WWE's only show, how would they survive? After all if WWE were to book a PPV based on Smackdown, I willing to bet you wouldn't have the same Quality show you are having now.
Let's look at it, we had 5 matches over 2 hours, featuring roughly around 17 wrestlers, 5 of which feature in a stable. When you look at it, 17 wrestlers isn't a lot, especially when most of the rosters are mid carders.
However the most interesting concept about Smackdown is that, most of the superstars are only featured once in the show. Sure we had a recap of Drew attacking Hardy throughout the show, and we saw Kofi watching Christian wrestle, but in comparison to Raw, that's pretty light on angle building
On RAW, We has Sheamus appear twice, Batista appear in consecutive segments, Jericho twice and the Miz appearing 3 times! (Not that I'm complaining) not forgetting about wade Barret, Daniel Bryan, Morrison, R truth, Edge and Orton just to name a few. It total RAW had 20 superstars, with the former mentioned appearing in several segments
So why does Smackdown need RAW? Well for Smackdown to continue to produce these great wrestling shows, It simply need's RAW for the bulk of the entertainment and PPV storylines. Not to say Smackdown doesn't have those, But RAW has more segments to build upon these feuds.
But in that sense, RAW needs Smackdown. Smackdown is just a Pure wrestling Show, its format is very different from the one RAW uses. After all, Raw gets jam packed with segments, with several superstars featuring more than once throughout the program, with Smackdown usually having fewer segments with longer matches, the showcasing of wrestling.
This is why I believe each Brand needs each other. One for entertainment and one for wrestling. It is also the reason I don't believe in the brand extension ending, because simply Smackdown as whole would cease to exist
But hey what would I know? That's my opinion.
Delliott out!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Ever wanted someone you couldn't have?
yes, but at the end stealing is wrong
If you could have the starring role in one movie what would it be?
primal fear would have to be it, clearly as the evil alter boy.
Friday, February 19, 2010
tommy dreamer recently posted a blog about ECW. in it he states how the XFL was doomed from the start. but he also goes on to metion how the XFL changed things in football today, such as the locker room camera.
however these dirt sheets left out that part
instead we got this
Tommy Dreamer posted a blog on the WWE Universe site concerning the end of ECW, specifically noting how the wrestlers tried to make WWE's version work, but over-riding factors made its demise inevitable.
"No matter how hard we all worked, it could never be what it was, for so many reasons, I do not want to get into," Dreamer wrote.
He then compared WWE's version of ECW to the XFL, which folded after one season.
"Well lets look at what the world likes to call the WWE's greatest blunder the XFL. It looked like a great idea on paper. It had great network support but after the first week and great ratings, those ratings started to fall. Why? I feel the level of play. Many die hard football fans realized that there was a reason the players were not in the NFL. Maybe they just did not belong."
now how can they call themselves a news site, if there not posting the full story?
they cannot, instead I sense a biased against the WWE. something that exist in nearly ever site nowdays.
unless this trend is to stop, these sites will just continue to hurt WWE image. these sites do more damage than good
and thats my thoughts.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
goodbye ECW
Most online fans are actually happy with this move, stating that it wasn’t the real ECW, it wasn’t hardcore enough, wasn’t as edgy and certainly didn’t have the prestige it once had.
True some of the above statements are factual. But it depends how you look at it.
Were currently in the PG family era of wrestling, hardcore wrestling died somewhat 8 years ago, and in today’s world, the old ECW just would not survive.
But to say that the new ECW needed to be like the old is wrong. ECW was all about being different, and it still was. It wasn’t Smackdown or RAW, it was ECW. Were you saw actual wrestling and young guns getting a start in WWE. ECW gave the likes of Evan Bourne and Kofi Kingston a start, while veterans like Goldust and Regal proved they were still valuable. In fact Goldust hasn’t looked this good in years. And it’s really all thanks to the structure of this show.
I truly believe Tommy Dreamer sums it up in his blog what this show was –“Well lets look at what the world likes to call the WWE's greatest blunder the XFL. It looked like a great idea on paper. It had great network support but after the first week and great ratings, those ratings started to fall. Why? I feel the level of play. Many die hard football fans realized that there was a reason the players were not in the NFL. Maybe they just did not belong. That could also hold true to the tv show ECW, no matter how hard we all worked, it could never be what it was, for so many reasons, I do not want to get into.
However everyone wants to knock Vince McMahon for the XFL, but look at this many aspects of the XFL have been stolen by the NFL. The field camera view. The behind the scene lockeroom stuff. Having the viewer be almost on the field at all times, was what the XFL was all about. The NFL Network and every channel that carries football now does what that XFL tried to bring. So instead of blaming Vince. He deserves some credit for shaping the NFL the way it is today. As well as having the grapefruits for taking on the task.If you think about it Vince McMahon's vision good or bad has us all talking about his actions.”
This could not be any truer. ECW showed us that you could never count a wrestler out if he or she has hit the wall. It showed us that young superstars can in fact run with the ball if you chose to give it to them, and it showed us just how great a simplistic wrestling program can be.
I truly hope this isn’t the last ECW, maybe one day it will come back. Who knows? Maybe as the original hardcore wrestling program. Or maybe as a show which gave people a chance.
Either way it will be missed. And those who wanted it to end will wish they never said that
Goodbye ECW.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Test Marketing
Ok once again I’m here to chew gum and kick arse... And I’m all out of arse.
Never mind, on with the post
Lately the internet can only seem to talk about one thing, TNA and hulk Hogan. Or is that two things? Look the point is that the vibe going around is that Hogan sucks blah blah blah, going to ruin TNA etc.
But that’s just the view from people that follow wrestling.
What I did to get a perspective on the matter, was to ask someone who was in marketing and sales, about this situation and if what Hogan is doing (which is having only two PPVs away from the impact zone and reducing the total number of house shows) is the right thing to do.
And the answer shockingly was yes
That’s right, Hogan and Eric are doing the right thing. Wanna know why?
Smark- “No! I’m right because I’ve been watching wrestling all my life and can do a better job than Vince can cause he knows nothing about wrestling Cena sucks screw all you noobs we want attitude era back!!!!!!”
Shut up Smark
Anyway the reason is ..... Test marking
That’s right, it’s what successful business’s use when they want to test a new product or expand into a new market. Key word here is expand.
What people forget is that for a major wrestling company, the majority of their income would come from PPV and TV. And not from house shows as a lot of these arm chair critics like to think (want an example? Go to and look up john report). So Hogan goes and looks at TNA’s record of house shows, how the bleed money because they can never fill up an area, demoraliser’s their roster because they didn’t even draw enough fans to fill half the arena, and most of all, just adding fatigue onto their wrestler’s.
Sure TNA have a light schedule compared to the WWE, but every match is a risk or getting injured, and if you’re not selling out a show, why bother risking your talent.
So instead Hogan looks at it this way, reduce the amount of shows and PPV outside the Impact zone, and focus on making the product better. Take all their energy away from these shows and put it into making a better show for the audience. As I said, their money is made from PPV and TV.
So let me bring you back into this idea of test marketing, TNA will most likely only do two shows outside the impact zone in America this year. So as a business man, what would you think if your two biggest shows of the year did not sell out the arena? Simply you wouldn’t waste your time putting on these lesser shows in the same area. Instead you would wait until your product is better, and more recognised around the country before you take that risk.
And that is what Hogan is doing, he is putting most of TNA show’s on in a studio where it is free to film, is guaranteed an audience every night, and is regardless of what people think, different from their competitor’s look and feel.
The main argument against what Hogan is doing is that TNA will continue to look like the minor leagues by staying in the Impact zone, but contrary to that statement, I’d rather a full arena of 500 people than an half empty one with 2000. The impact zone is one of the things that make’s TNA unique, people should be wary of that, furthermore they should be weary of the fact that if TNA were to film outside of the impact zone, they would look worse than before.
So from this moment now, TNA are taking educated risks, instead of blind ones like before
And that is why Hogan is right.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
vemon that is.. the internet
instead of talking topical, I will instead bring our clever minds onto somthing esle that has caught my gaze.
a few weeks ago, kizarny (however you spell it) said in a interview that he's time in the WWE was terrible and was backstabed blah blah blah you get the picture
however thats not the intersting side
most if not all of the wrestling dirtsheets reported ONLY the neagtive side of the interview, when in fact a real wrestling website the sun (ok thier a real magizine but who cares) actually reported on the full interview, were it turns out that kizarny prasied wwe and knocked them at the same time
now not only does this show how this so call dirtsheets lack substance, but moreover it shows that if you want true wrestling news, theres only a few sites out there to provide it.
which today my friends, there are few of