Friday, February 19, 2010


ok after reading I'm preety pissed.

tommy dreamer recently posted a blog about ECW. in it he states how the XFL was doomed from the start. but he also goes on to metion how the XFL changed things in football today, such as the locker room camera.

however these dirt sheets left out that part

instead we got this

Tommy Dreamer posted a blog on the WWE Universe site concerning the end of ECW, specifically noting how the wrestlers tried to make WWE's version work, but over-riding factors made its demise inevitable.

"No matter how hard we all worked, it could never be what it was, for so many reasons, I do not want to get into," Dreamer wrote.

He then compared WWE's version of ECW to the XFL, which folded after one season.

"Well lets look at what the world likes to call the WWE's greatest blunder the XFL. It looked like a great idea on paper. It had great network support but after the first week and great ratings, those ratings started to fall. Why? I feel the level of play. Many die hard football fans realized that there was a reason the players were not in the NFL. Maybe they just did not belong."

now how can they call themselves a news site, if there not posting the full story?

they cannot, instead I sense a biased against the WWE. something that exist in nearly ever site nowdays.

unless this trend is to stop, these sites will just continue to hurt WWE image. these sites do more damage than good

and thats my thoughts.

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