Sunday, May 9, 2010

Why Smackdown needs RAW

My my it's been awhile


Lately I couldn't help but notice an ongoing debate among the internet community. That debate of course being whether WWE should or should not end the brand extension and just have one show. The Argument for that is one that the belts will be more preisgtoius, and there will be greater time to build up a feud. The argument against though is that a lot of guys will be pushed down and eventually out of the spotlight, leaving only a select few to be able to gain that valuable screen time

So what is the right answer? While there is none, I give you a theory which could dictate it.

Smackdown this week was a fantastic wrestling show. There were 2 very good bouts in a championship tournament, a good match between Kane and Swagger, The divas match wasn't half bad, a (once again) excellent promo from punk and Rey after following a hard hitting MVP/Gallows match, and to top it off, a very heated start to the show featuring Drew, Matt and Teddy.

But I couldn't help but wonder. If Smackdown was WWE's only show, how would they survive? After all if WWE were to book a PPV based on Smackdown, I willing to bet you wouldn't have the same Quality show you are having now.

Let's look at it, we had 5 matches over 2 hours, featuring roughly around 17 wrestlers, 5 of which feature in a stable. When you look at it, 17 wrestlers isn't a lot, especially when most of the rosters are mid carders.

However the most interesting concept about Smackdown is that, most of the superstars are only featured once in the show. Sure we had a recap of Drew attacking Hardy throughout the show, and we saw Kofi watching Christian wrestle, but in comparison to Raw, that's pretty light on angle building

On RAW, We has Sheamus appear twice, Batista appear in consecutive segments, Jericho twice and the Miz appearing 3 times! (Not that I'm complaining) not forgetting about wade Barret, Daniel Bryan, Morrison, R truth, Edge and Orton just to name a few. It total RAW had 20 superstars, with the former mentioned appearing in several segments

So why does Smackdown need RAW? Well for Smackdown to continue to produce these great wrestling shows, It simply need's RAW for the bulk of the entertainment and PPV storylines. Not to say Smackdown doesn't have those, But RAW has more segments to build upon these feuds.

But in that sense, RAW needs Smackdown. Smackdown is just a Pure wrestling Show, its format is very different from the one RAW uses. After all, Raw gets jam packed with segments, with several superstars featuring more than once throughout the program, with Smackdown usually having fewer segments with longer matches, the showcasing of wrestling.

This is why I believe each Brand needs each other. One for entertainment and one for wrestling. It is also the reason I don't believe in the brand extension ending, because simply Smackdown as whole would cease to exist

But hey what would I know? That's my opinion.

Delliott out!

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