Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Goodbye Edge

While I will not be able to view WWEs flagship program RAW till tomorrow, I did in fact catch a major story developing out from tonight’s show

Edge has thrown in the towel

Now I wouldn’t normally post anything about superstars retiring, but Edge is quite special to me, for you see, he is one of three wrestlers that got me into professional wrestling

Those three were, 

Shawn Michaels

Randy Orton
And of course, Edge

The reason being was that these three outstanding wrestlers are the sole reason I got hooked onto the program.

Back in 2007, I decided to finally check out a episode of RAW after playing through the Smackdown V Raw game I had previously got for Christmas. For those keeping track, this was just when Triple H blew out his knee when taking on Rated RKO.

Now, the story was simple, Rated RKO had took out half of DX, and wanted to finish the job, so the next week, the entire show was built around this handicap match, and whether or not Shawn could survive it.
It featured some great segments, such as Flair and Hacksaw being taken out, and Shawn going crazy saying ‘if I’m going out, I’m going out in a BLAZE OF GLORY!”

The match itself however, featured quality storytelling

Shawn was busted open early, and couldn’t stop the attack of Edge and Orton, but just as Edge was about to deliver the con-chair-to, Shawn kick up, and started his comeback, which involved him pulling out the sledgehammer, and I swear I thought at the time he was being possessed by Hunter (though now I understand it as Shawn being one of the greatest of all time).

The show ended with Edge scrambling up the ramp, while Randy suffered a con-chair—to from Shawn, so while it was political justice, I was hooked into it, as these three men had just taken me on a hell of a ride
So after hearing that Edge has had to hang up the boots because of spinal injuries, I couldn’t help but feel a touch of sadness.

Thank you Edge, you where truly one of the best of all time, my only regret is that I only ever got to see you in action once.

You will be missed


Anonymous said...

love youre blog edge wil be sorely missed not only as a wrestler but also as a hero to goths like me that love wrestling him along with jeff hardy are my idols being i had a dream of being a wrestler when i was younger but being born with epelepsy made that dream impossable for me so i lived through Edge an jeff along with others i adore but non have touched me to my core like Edge an Jeff for me even writeing this is nearly making me cry its a shame for edge being still so young haveing to retire wwe will not be the same without him an yes for anyone reading this im female :P just youre avrage 32 yo gothic tomboy so just in case Edge if you read this i wont ever forget you an i will miss you tons you lifted my spirits many times when i was about to give up an i will never forget you in my heart an mind you will never give up you will wrestle on in legand. hugs an lots of love from one of youre biggest fans :)

Xương Rồng said...

Bạn đang có bệnh và mong muốn điều trị? Phòng khám phụ khoa Thiên Hòa chuyên chữa trị các phụ khoa bao gồm các bệnh viêm nhiễm phụ khoa, bệnh cổ tử cung, tử cung, bệnh buồng trứng và vô sinh hiếm muốn. Nếu có nhu câu thăm khám và điều trị bệnh. Hãy liên hệ ngay tới Phòng khám, các chuyên gia sẽ tư vấn và giải đáp mọi thông tin cụ thể.