Thursday, November 6, 2008

raw thoughts- 800th ep

wow 800th celebration huh? what about having it on the 800th episode?

because I'm lazy I'm simply going to do this "live" coh coh. so here's what i thought my reactions were to this ep.

  • wow for celebrating raw they get a smackdown tag team match. does anyone notice Jeff Hardy's eyeliner? i know they banned gay marriages in California but jezz Luise..
  • wow ortan got andmle fired. give that man the Victoria cross or something. he has served the wrestling world a huge favour.
  • OK i swear to god my last blog was posted before this because they just hinted at jbl being the new gm. maybe someone from wwe read it....
  • battle royal has a few interesting notes, ted looked really strong and eliminated both Cody and manu. and regal is in his hometown of England(i think) next week for the intercontinal champion. notice they didn't have the honky tonk meter this week. maybe there's a title change planned.
  • on another note it was rumored that ted was going to end taker's streak at wresltemania. though they might still go with trips v taker and have ted face him at wresltemaina 26.
  • ok dx is here and I'm bored already. wait did wwe just edit out 'suck it'? those bastards.
  • haha there still kind of funny. though if they win tonight ill kill them in there sleep. there is no need for them to win.
  • wow i might be getting my wish, Morrison and Miz are hammering them.
  • and now somewhere in the world triple h ego has squashed a poor oprhan. dx won folks and a pointless win at that.
  • Vladamir beat Charles hitman Haas. wow that's a real push
  • omg Mae young. man she looks like dust. and i think Beth almost killed her.
  • here we go punk v ortan this should be good.
  • I'm surprised though still happy, priceless interfered and then ortan killed ted. follow up with that mice backstage promo and were hooked. good work. for once
  • and the undertaker just stole jbl soul. well actually it was the soul of a poor Mexican which jbl had bought of earlier just in case he lost. good judgement
  • kofi is getting a push now facing former world champions. good for him...... wait he just got squashed by Henry.
  • wow kahli a face? what now triple h without an ego? jbl without boobs? a thin jr? has the whole world gone mad!
  • steel cage time. this should be alright though i don't get how cena gets a title shot straight away after losing his last match! and if he faces Jericho it defies logic. Batista injured him and beat him in the middle of the ring. yet cena gets the title shot. wow makes you wonder why people hate him
  • as i though Jericho won. and in a way that Batista doesn't get hurt. though i bet he wanted to lose it. he didn't seem to upset.
  • well for 800th ep celebration it was alright. only thing really for credit is the ortan angle.

well that's all folks.

delliott out

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